Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas in Phoenix, AZ

Just finished editing photos from our Christmas weekend in Phoenix, AZ. We stayed at the Hermosa Inn near Phoenix. We celebrated Christmas Saturday morning. And came home to a big snow storm. Which wasn't really serious at all.

Happy New Year to everybody!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Mill at St. Anselma

Today I decided to shoot some HDR images at the Mill. When I got there, I had shot several buildings But the red barn seemed an excellent choice to work with in Nik's HDR Effects Pro software. The images take on a much more vibrant painterly punch. Which I really like using for artistic effects. For those of you that might be interested, I shot the barn with a Nikon D300s, and a Tamron 17-50 mm f2.8 lens. The photos were then edited in Aperture 3.

Monday, December 13, 2010

The other day I decided to try out the Nik Software HDR Effects Pro I recently purchased. It's a stand alone plug in that can be used in either Photoshop, Lightroom, or Aperture. Awhile back I had photographed Hallman's General Store because it's such a charming "country" general store near Chester Springs.

So I opened the photo in the software and experimented with the control settings. And wow! the effect came out beautifully! Now I love creating images in HDR Effects Pro. You can either expose several frames from 3 stops under and 4 stops overexposed to create your HDR. Or as in the case of Hallman's general store, you can work with a single image. But when you use bracketed shutter speeds, the effect is even more stunning.